Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Organic Farming

Rajeev Dixit on "Organic farming"

How orgainc farming saves your enormous money ?

You might be thinking what is organic farming ?
Organic farming is simply the use of traditional farming methods. There may be questions in your mind about traditional farming methods. In organic farming or traditional farming we don't use fertilizers, pesticides. As it is believed that these chemical substances destroys lands / fields properties. Let me explain you certain facts regarding the use of fertilizers and pesticides :
  • Once you use fertilizers in your field, it becomes addictive. Your field will be requiring it again and again and that too with an extra amount each time.
  • Use of insectisides, kills earth worm, ehich is known as farmer's friend. You may be knowing about earthworm. This insect makes the field soil porous as a result of which soil becomes fertile. This insect performs the repetetive action on the soil. It goes inside by making hole from one side and come outside by making hole from other side. This action is performed over a large scale. As a result soil becomes porous and then it allows air and water to enter in it in proper quantity.
  • Due to the use of pesticides, this insect can not survive and hence soil is not porous. Over years your field becomes tough and hard and then it does not give good results

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